Ignoto fiammingo della fine del XVII secolo, Veduta di Napoli e del Golfo, Certosa e Museo di San Martino, collezione Alisio

Angelo Maria Costa, Il Palazzo Reale di Napoli, 1696, Siviglia, Fundación Casa Ducal de Medinaceli

Ignoto fiammingo della fine del XVII secolo, Veduta di Napoli e del Golfo, Certosa e Museo di San Martino, collezione Alisio
The Cerimoniali Project was born in the 2008 with the purpose of bringing to light the ceremonials books (Libri di cerimonie): unpublished manuscript sources written by the masters of ceremonies of the Royal Palace of Naples. These manuscripts describe in detail the court ceremonials, the daily life in Naples and the relations of the Kingdom of Naples with the other European courts.
All the documents, preserved in Italian and Spanish libraries andarchives,dating back to the Spanish and Austrian Viceroyalties and to the Kingdom of Naples (XVI-XVIII centuries), have proven to be invaluable sources for the study and the deepening of the culture, art, architecture and the political dynamics of the Kingdom of Naples on the European chessboard.
The rediscovered, and now published, corpus caeremoniale enriches the sources about the Neapolitan history, fuelling the studies on the Royal Palace of Naples and on his court and expand the knowledge of Kingdom and his capital with new contribution on the artistic, historical, musical, social and economic context.
The purpose of the project is to reach the widestpossible diffusion as well as the widest possible accessibility for a non-specialist public, through the printing of picture books and, subsequently, putting them on the network, becoming in such way vehicle of interest and revaluation of the history of the territories belonged to the old Kingdom in Naples: the South of Italy.
While we publish the fourth volume and we work on the fifth one, we open our research to other fields of studies about the Italian Mediterranean Capital (Palermo, Genova, etc.) that allow us to make very rich comparative analyses between the courts, the ceremonial study and the lives of the most important personalities of this period.
Thanks to all those who provided contributions

With the aim of sharing the manuscript sources and the material studied, the "Progetto Cerimoniali" has collaborated and continues to collaborate with Poder & Representaciones, a research network coordinated by Prof. Joan-Lluís Palos Peñarroya (Universitat de Barcelona), consisting of four different projects connected to each other by a common interest: the study of the relationship between culture and politics of the period from the sixteenth to the eighteenth centuries.
Attilio Antonelli is a member of the PyREM: Poder y representaciones en la Edad Moderna: monarquía hispánica como campo culturale (1500-1800).
The purpose of the work is to demonstrate how the Spanish Monarchy identifies itself not so much with its political boundaries but with its cultural influence that has led to a continuous exchange of people, ideas and artists.
Progetto cerimoniali in videos
TG2 news report , column "Tutto il bello che c'è" - The Progetto Cerimoniali
Presentation of the second volume of the series
I Cerimoniali della corte di Napoli at Archivio di Stato in Benevento
TGR Campania report news - Presentation of the second volume of the series I Cerimoniali della corte di Napoli at Palazzo Reale in Naples
Napolipost report news - Presentation of the third volume of the series I Cerimoniali della corte di Napoli at Palazzo Zevallos Stigliano in Naples
Presentation of the second volume of the series I Cerimoniali della corte di Napoli at Palacio Real in Madrid
press review
You can download and read all documents in pdf format
Review of professor Elisa Novi Chavarria
in "Nuova Rivista Storica", Anno CII, Gennaio-Aprile 2018, Fascicolo I
Review of professor
Bernardo J. García García
about the first two volumes of the series
in "Cuadernos de Historia Moderna", 40 (2015)

Sponsor us
Support the "Cerimoniali" Project making a donation to the following bank coordinates:
I.P.E. - Istituto per ricerche ed attività educative
IBAN IT79 G033 5901 6001 0000 0105 391
BIC BCITITMX (Banca Prossima S.p.A)
Causale: Contributo liberale alle attività di ricerca del "Progetto Cerimoniali"
Il Progetto Cerimoniali, in collaborazione con l'Associazione AeneA, cura sulle proprie pagine facebook e instagram la rubrica:
#ISPANApoli - La Napoli spagnola a portata di social
Scopo della rubrica è valorizzare e far riscoprire, attraverso un mosaico di brevi post a cura di giovani laureati e ricercatori in materie umanistiche, la lunga e fervida storia di Napoli dall'arrivo di Alfonso il Magnanimo all'epoca del vicereame spagnolo, e fino ad arrivare alla partenza di Carlo di Borbone dalla città.
Fu in quei secoli, infatti, che Napoli fissò la sua identità affondando le radici nella Spagna.

Jan van Essen, Manifestazione navale nella rada di Napoli, Certosa e Museo di San Martino