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Cerimoniale del viceregno spagnolo di Napoli 1535-1637

The fifth and last volume of the series I Cerimoniali della corte di Napoli contains the transcription and the italian translation of the manuscript "Libro donde se trata de los Virreyes ..." by Jusepe Renao, kept in the Biblioteca Nacional de España in Madrid.


During the XVII century, the Neapolitan vice real court reached a great maturity in the ceremonial organization of the court. This two books (almost consecutive), written by two masters of ceremonies between the XVI and XVII centuries, Miguel Díez de Aux (from 1571 to 1622) and Jusepe Renao (from 1622 to1637), present in detail the situation of the Neapolitan vice real court in the context of the Spanish monarchy.


Renao used the book wrote by Díez de Aux as reference – the last one was forced to leave his post when came as viceroy Antonio Álvarez de Toledo, V Duke of Alba – and prosecuted the narration of the ceremonial events showing and describing the seventh-century Neapolitan court.


This volume opens whit a number of essays written by experts of this historical period, like the previous volumes of the series.

Specifically, following Dr. Attilio Antonelli's introduction, the preface by Joan-Lluis Palos, professor of Modern History at University of Barcellona, and the presentation by Luciano Garella, ex overseer for the Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio per il Comune di Napoli, there are:


La costruzione dell’immagine del sovrano nei cerimoniali napoletani tra Cinque e Seicento

by Giovanni Muto, professor of Modern History at Università degli studi di Napoli Federico II.

- Jusepe Renao e la Napoli vicereale del Seicento. Portieri di camera e maestri di cerimonie

by Ángel Rivas Albaladejo, professor of Modern Art History at Universidad Complutense in Madrid.

- Il V duca d’Alba Antonio Álvarez de Toledo, viceré di Napoli (1622-1629)

by Diana Carrió-Invernizzi, professor of Art History at UNED in Madrid.


This volume features around two hundred color pictures and also includes many indexes and apparatuses which allow for an easier reading and comprehension of the main text.


Special contribution was given by: Verónica Gallego Manzanares, Emanuela Ingenito, Melania Meluzis, Milena Morreale, Nunzia Sarnelli, Serena Terreri.

book profile


series Cerimoniali della corte di Napoli

curator Attilio Antonelli

title Cerimoniale del viceregno spagnolo di Napoli 1535-1637

ISBN 978-88-569-0718-6

pages 624

size 24x30

price 70,00 euro

editor arte'm


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